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Philanthropy for the mental health and well-being of all communities.

Our Mindful Approach

Mindful Philanthropy is guiding the philanthropic sector with a bold vision to invest in outcomes that change lives and enable all of us to thrive.


We bring together stakeholders for accelerated learning and increased collaboration.


We steer the sector with foundational research and resources for mental health philanthropy.


We raise up emerging and innovative solutions in mental health.

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Our goal is for all of philanthropy to invest $35 billion in annual mental health funding by 2035 — through greater collaboration and bigger, bolder bets.

Why Mental Health Philanthropy?

With one in four individuals experiencing a mental health condition, the current mental health crisis affects all of our lives and cuts across all social issues.

Mental Health at the Center

Our Mental Health at the Center series guides charitable funders to scale resources for mental health and well-being.

Insufficient Funding

With only 1.7% of U.S. philanthropy going to mental health as of 2022, funding is not yet meeting increasing need. Our latest report uplifts levers for greater impact in mental health philanthropy and trends that are working.

Learn more to guide your philanthropy with the U.S. Funding Landscape  

Transformative Potential

Mental health philanthropy can catalyze systemic change by addressing unmet needs for prevention, treatment, and long-term support that exist across communities. 

Start a new funder journey here with The Case for Philanthropic Investment  

A Way Forward

We developed the gold standard roadmap for prevention, systemic reform, and evidence-based investments to increase access to quality mental health services across populations.

Access our Roadmap for Strategic Investment  

Measuring Impact

In 2025, we will release the final report in our Mental Health at the Center series providing guidance for measurement and evaluation in mental health philanthropy.


Community on a Mission

We are building the connective tissue to scale philanthropic funding for Mental Health.

Our community and supporters are helping to build the field of mental health philanthropy.

Learn more About Mindful Philanthropy.

Mindful Leadership Council

Arthur M Blank Family Foundation logo
Esler Family Foundation
Ballmer Group logo
Huntsman Family Foundation logo
Mae Philanthropies logo

Our Founders

Resonance Philanthropies logo
Sand Hill Foundation
John Heller Fund logo
Wellbeing Trust logo
Scattergood Foundation logo

Our Funders and Sponsors

Harbourton Foundation logo
Hirsch Legacy Fund logo
Scattergood Foundation logo
Schooner Capital logo
Valinhos Foundation logo
Wallace H Coulter Foundation logo
Kinschner Family Foundation logo
Hogg Foundation for Mental Health logo

“Mindful Philanthropy worked alongside us as a true partner.”

Jean Buckley
President of the Tracy Family Foundation

Jean Buckley headshot

"Mindful Philanthropy is a national network to best practices in mental health philanthropy."

Julie Veldman Harris
Executive Director of the Valinhos Foundation

Julie Veldman Harris headshot

“Mindful Philanthropy provided invaluable insights that helped us navigate the complexities of mental health funding.”

Gabby Spatt
Vice President of Philanthropy, Hirsch Legacy Fund

Gabby Spatt headshot
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Mindful Connect

Join the funder community.